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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you still have questions about Elimax® or lice? You may find the answer among our frequently asked questions.

Elimax® general

Can head lice develop resistance to elimax®?
Elimax® has a physical mode of action and does not contain pesticides, which means that head lice cannot develop resistance to its ingredients. Reasons for unsuccessful treatment can be: the wrong diagnosis, not following the instructions (not using enough product, stopping treatment too soon, not removing enough lice or nits ...
How can you tell if your child has head lice?
Are you worried that your child may have head lice? Don't despair. It can happen to anyone, and these little creatures are easy to deal with.
Does Elimax® put my child at risk?
Elimax® is safe for children of 12 months and over. We recommend wrapping a towel around the shoulders prior to treatment to collect product drips.
What if I find more lice after treatment?
You won't want to find newly hatched lice or more nits after treatment with Elimax®. But if you do, don't panic. These little creatures are just as easy to get rid of.
How do you catch head lice?
Head lice are not just extremely irritating. They can also be stigmatising. And anybody can get them. You just have to touch heads with someone who has them. Read more.
Do head lice always lay their nits in your hair?
Lice begin their lives as eggs, which are also known as nits. Do you always find them in the hair, or somewhere else?
What are the differences between Elimax® 2in1 lotion, Elimax® 2in1 shampoo and Elimax® post-treatment?
Elimax® Lotion and Elimax® Shampoo are two effective treatment products based on oligodecene oil and LPF®. They kill lice and nits and protect the hair against reinfestation. Elimax® Shampoo contains extra foaming agents, so you can rinse the product out of your hair without using more shampoo. Elimax® Lotion contains 100% oligodecene oil and ...
Can I wash my hair with an ordinary shampoo after the Elimax® treatment?
This depends on whether you use Elimax® Lotion or Elimax® Shampoo. When using Elimax® Lotion you will need to wash your hair with an ordinary shampoo after the treatment. Elimax® Lotion kills lice and nits and keeps infestations at bay, but it doesn’t wash your hair. With Elimax® Shampoo your hair is treated and ...
Are there any side effects to Elimax®?
Elimax is the product par excellence for controlling lice and nits. The side effects of the shampoo are fortunately also very limited.
Where can I buy Elimax®?
Why are nits and lice still there after treatment with Elimax®?
When lice lay their eggs they stick them to the hair with a sort of glue. This glue is so strong that the empty and dead nits remain permanently attached to the hair. With the naked eye there is no way of telling whether the nit is dead or ...
How often can Elimax® be used?
You can use Elimax® as often as you like. Elimax® Shampoo is particularly suitable for frequent hair washing. One or two treatments will usually be enough to get rid of the tiny creatures. But there is always a chance of catching them again from people who haven’t been treated. Elimax® can always ...
My children have head lice: can I catch them too?
Has one of your children caught lice? Annoying! Do you also get lice yourself? Read more.
How can I prevent head lice and nits?
Lice and nits are annoying critters. You therefore want to prevent, at all costs, that you or your children get lice. Read more.
Can head lice infest your clothing and bedding?
Removing lice from your hair is not difficult, but do you also need to take care of your clothing or bedding?