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Fight lice without compromise with Elimax Natural Lotion

Elimax® Natural lotion is a revolutionary innovation in lice treatment: with only natural ingredients, it is a powerful tool in lice and nits control. Natural and effective go hair in hair.


Elimax Natural Lotion:
100% effective & 100% natural

Free of silicones, insecticides or parabenes


100% effective

Kills lice and nits in 5 minutes

in 1 treatment


100% natural: Only natural ingredients


Easy to wash out


No eye irritation

Suited for pregnant & breast-feeding women From 6 months of age

How do you use Elimax Green Lotion?

This lice lotion is very easy to use. Follow the steps, and don't give lice a chance!

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Apply the lotion to dry hair, completely saturating hair and scalp. Use a towel to cover eyes and exposed skin areas. Massage from the roots to the tips, paying particular attention to the area behind the ears and the hairline at the back of the head. Leave the lotion in the hair for min 5 to maximum 10 min (no longer). In the case of long hair, pin the hair up away from the skin after application.
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Wash out by applying regular shampoo (or Elimax Preventive shampoo for optimal effect) to the hair and rinsing thoroughly. Repeat if needed to fully rinse out the lotion.
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Comb to remove lice and nits. Part the hair into sections and comb one section at a time. Place the teeth of the comb as close as possible to the scalp and comb away from the scalp to the end of the hair. Use clips to pin back each section of combed hair. Clean the comb during use by wiping onto a tissue. Discard the tissue into a sealable bag. Discard the sealed bag. Check hair for the following 7 to 10 days. If lice or nits are present, repeat steps 1-3.

Only natural ingredients

Elimax Green Lotion is a natural and powerful lotion against lice and nits.

It is composed of hemisqualane and beeswax that has a double action: they block the breathing holes of the louse and dehydrate and shrivels the skin of the insect after 5 minutes. Elimax Green Lotion does not contain neurotoxic insecticides, so there is no risk of resistance developing. Elimax Green does not contain silicone (dimethicone), so it leaves no greasy residue on the hair.

Le LPF® dépose une couche sur le cheveu et diminue l’attractivité des cheveux pour les poux. Il y parvient grâce à la combinaison innovante d’un polymère et d’une huile. Le cheveu est moins chargé statiquement, et ceci est essentiel. En effet, le cheveu exerce, par nature, une attraction sur les poux : comme ils ne peuvent ni sauter, ni voler, ils ne se déplacent qu’au moyen d’une attraction statique. Les cheveux traités avec Elimax® attirent moins les poux (évitement passif).


conditionne la structure et l’odeur des cheveux

Le LPF® conditionne le cheveu de telle manière que la structure et l’odeur de sa surface deviennent répulsives pour les poux. Pour les humains, par contre, Elimax® a une odeur agréable, qui plaît aussi aux enfants.

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Scientific basis

Are you a pharmacist or scientific worker and are you interested in the research behind Elimax®?

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have any other questions about Elimax® or head lice? Our Frequently Asked Questions may have the answer.

Have more lice appeared since your Elimax® treatment? Don’t despair. These little creatures are just as easy to get rid of. More
Are you worried that your child may have head lice? The first sign is itching. Grab yourself a detection comb and read our to-do list. More
Lice and nits are annoying little creatures. Come what may, you will want to stop head lice spreading to your family. This is what you can do. More
Nits, or the eggs laid by lice, are well hidden. But are they only ever found in hair, or do they occur elsewhere? More